Is Breast Implant Exchange Right for You? A Comprehensive Analysis

Caucasian,Woman,Trying,On,Breast,Implants.,A,Plastic,Surgeon,Helps As the name implies, breast implant exchange surgery is a process that will see a trained medical professional remove and replace an existing breast implant. This is done for a few different reasons. Sometimes, women wish to change the size of their breasts.

In other scenarios, they’re more focused on making adjustments to the shape or even the position. Regardless, as is true with most other types of cosmetic surgery, not all procedures are a good fit for all patients. If you truly want to confirm that a breast implant exchange is right for you, there are several important things to keep in mind.

When to Get a Breast Implant Exchange

In addition to the subjective reasons outlined above, there are also a number of other clear signs that a breast implant exchange would be a good idea. If you’ve experienced a rupture of your current implant for whatever reason, for example, you’ll want to consult with a team of professionals to get things taken care of. The same is true if you experience any other situations like capsular contracture or even implant malposition.

There are also several other age-related reasons why your body may no longer look as it once did, which could be an indication that a breast implant exchange is an idea at least worth considering. Women’s bodies go through a lot of changes as a direct result of pregnancy, for example. This is especially true if you’ve chosen to breastfeed the child thereafter.

If you’re currently going through menopause, you may have also experienced some of these physical changes. Naturally, gaining weight – particularly in the breasts – could change your opinion on what your implants should look like. You may decide that you no longer need implants as big as they once were, and that’s perfectly okay because that is part of what breast implant exchange surgery is for.

Start Your Journey Today

If you’d like to find out more information about whether a breast implant exchange is the right move for you, or if you’d just like to discuss your situation with someone in a bit more detail, please don’t hesitate to contact the team at Chatham Plastic Surgery by calling 912-446-1985 today.

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