ballerina mom and daughter in the Studio in black gymnastic swimwear

Treat Yourself to a Mommy Makeover

ballerina mom and daughter in the Studio in black gymnastic swimwear Pregnancy and breastfeeding can take a toll on your body. A mommy makeover can help restore your body to its pre-pregnancy shape. The coordinated set of surgical treatments can also help women achieve the ideal shape and reverse changes caused by weight fluctuations and the aging process.

What is a Mommy Makeover

The mommy makeover is one of Dr. Pearl’s most popular procedures at Chatham Plastic Surgery and it means different things to different patients. Some patients have breasts that deflate and lose their youthful volume after breastfeeding, while others have breasts that stay larger than desired and sag considerably.

Your abdominal muscles separate during pregnancy and never return to their original position. These changes in your abdomen and hips after pregnancy often result in a permanent bulge. There is also often excess skin on the abdomen as well as isolated fat pockets at the breasts, hips, and abdomen.

A mommy makeover can address all these above-mentioned issues, with a customized set of procedures that can usually be performed in one session.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

There are different factors Dr. Pearl will carefully weigh when determining whether a mommy makeover will be a safe and successful procedure for you. Some of those factors include:

  • Good general health without underlying medical conditions
  • Understanding that there will need to be sufficient time for recovery
  • Healthy reasons for wanting the operation performed and realistic expectations about the outcome.

Dr. Pearl also recommends clients refrain from using tobacco products before and after the mommy makeover procedure. The nicotine present in tobacco can interfere with the incisions’ ability to properly heal, especially on the abdomen and breasts. Some of our clients desire more changes than Dr. Pearl feels are safe at one operation. If this is the case, staged surgical procedures may be required.

Schedule Your Consultation with Dr. Pearl Today

To learn more about the procedures offered in our mommy makeovers, contact Chatham Plastic Surgery online or call our Savannah, Georgia office at 912-446-1985 to schedule your consultation.

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Chatham Plastic Surgery is excited to announce Dr. Scott W. Vann has joined the practice! Please call the office to schedule a consultation!